Register for CASON 2023

Why Do You Need A Cason Certification?

Administration is of prime importance in the life of any church and ministry. It has its root in the Greek word, Kubernesis, which means, “to stir” or “to govern”. The administrator directs and guides the church towards the accomplishment of their mission and goals.
However, it is also important to note that we do not all have the gift of administration. As an overseer or founder, we should be careful not to confuse pastoring the people with administering the ministry. Administration covers different aspects viz. human, financial and material resources. This dichotomy was clearly understood by the early church:
“…it is not appropriate for us to neglect [teaching] the word of God in order to serve tables and manage the distribution of food. Therefore, brothers, choose from among you seven men with good reputations [men of godly character and integrity], full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may put in charge of this task…” (Acts 6:2-3; AMP)
The apostles understood the qualities that are essential to successful church administration:
1. Good reputation
2. Spirit-controlled
3. Wisdom
4. Consideration

In reality, for anyone to serve in any capacity in the church, he must possess all the first three attributes. However, the fourth attribute, that is consideration, will be dependent on external factors, which may include recommendation, track record, training and/or certification.
Having a CASON Certification and/or membership, amongst other things,
1. Helps you to understand better and sharpen your administrative gifts
2. Serves as a proof of your commitment to personal development
3. Gives you the needed endorsement to position you for more ministry engagements
4. Gives you access to resources, knowledge and otherwise, to keep you current and relevant
For more information on how CASON can help reposition you for more ministry opportunities, please call 08099042888 or visit: MEMBERSHIP PAGE.