Register for CASON 2023

CASON Code of Conduct

As a Church Administrator you will:

  • Submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ and uphold the authority of the Bible.
  • Pursue administrative activities with integrity, accountability and competence.
  • Disclose any personal interest which might be seen to influence administrative decisions.
  • Practice an open style of administration so far as is consistent with Bible principles.
  • Keep up-to-date with developments in best administrative practice and continue to develop personal competence.
  • Adopt an approach to the identification and resolution of conflicts of values, including ethical values, which is reasonable and justifiable.
  • Safeguard confidential information and not seek personal advantage from it. Exhaust all available internal remedies for dealing with matters perceived as improper, before resorting to public.
  • Encourage the development and maintenance of quality and continuous improvement in all administrative functions.

As a Church Administrator you will, in addition to the above:

  • Ensure that others are aware of their responsibilities, areas of authority and accountability.
  • Encourage and assist others to develop their potential. Consider the mental and physical health, safety and well being of others.
  • Have regard for matters of conscience of others. Have regard for the needs, pressures and problems of others and do not discriminate on grounds other than those demonstrably necessary for the task.
  • Treat colleagues with dignity and respect.

As a Church Administrator you will, in addition to the above:

  • Uphold the lawful policies and practices of the ministry.
  • Identify and communicate relevant policies, practices and information.
  • Keep under review, organizations structure, objectives, procedures and controls.
  • Seek to balance departmental aims in furtherance of the ministry’s overall objectives.
  • Safeguard the assets and reputation of the ministry.

As a Church Administrator you will, in addition to the above:

  • Ensure that the interests of others are properly identified and responded to in a balanced manner.
  • Establish and develop continuing and satisfactory relationships based on mutual confidence.
  • Avoid entering into arrangements which unlawfully or improperly affect competitive practice.
  • Avoid entering into any agreement or undertaking any activity which may give rise to a conflict of interest with the ministry or prejudice professional administrative performance.
  • Neither offer nor accept gifts, hospitality or services which could, or might appear to imply an improper obligation.

As a Church Administrator you will, in addition to the above:

  • Have due regards for and comply with all relevant laws.
  • Have due regard to the short and long term effects and possible consequences of present and proposed activities, taking action where appropriate.
  • Ensure truthfulness in all public communications. Seek to conserve resources wherever possible and preserve the environment.
  • Respect the customs, practices and reasonable ambitions of other peoples which may differ from your own.

As a Professional Chartered Business Administrator you will, in addition to the above:

  • Promote the mission, aims and objectives of the Society.
  • Uphold the integrity and good standing of the society and refrain from conduct which detracts from its reputation.
  • Promote the Society’s professional image and standing as a professional body.
  • Observe the requirement of the Code of Conduct as it may be reviewed and reissued from time to time.

Members who successfully complete the Society’s educational program and acquire the required years of experience in church administration are granted the right to use the designations, RCA (Registered Church Administrator) or CCA (Certified Church Administrator) or CCAP (Certified Church Administration Professional). The Society issues the relevant certificate to members who complete all the membership requirements. CASON is committed to the highest professional competence and ethical standards for the church administration profession. Members of the Society must at all times comply with the content and spirit of the Society’s Code of Conduct. All the certificates of the Society remain the property of the Society and shall be returned on demand. A member may withdraw from the Society at any time by writing to the Society’s Governing Council and return the certificate.